Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sabbath Musings

I've been puzzling a great deal about the Sabbath. I've found it extraordinarily difficult to sort out what this commandment is all about, what it means and what it doesn't mean. So I thought I'd blog about it, so as to order my thoughts about it better, as well as perhaps get some feedback. 

Where to start? Well, the Bible is always the Christian's epistemology: the Holy Spirit persuades us the Bible is true. So here are some relevant passages (all in ESV):

Exodus 20:8-11

"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."

Deuteronomy 5:12-15

12 Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you. 13 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 14 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter or your male servant or your female servant, or your ox or your donkey or any of your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates, that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you. 15 You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.

Isaiah 58:13-14

13 If you turn back your foot from the Sabbath,
    from doing your pleasure on my holy day,
and call the Sabbath a delight
    and the holy day of the Lord honorable;
if you honor it, not going your own ways,
    or seeking your own pleasure, or talking idly;
14 then you shall take delight in the Lord,
    and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth;
I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father,
    for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

 Also of interest: Matthew 12, Mark 2 and 3, Luke 6, 13, and 14. There are plenty of places in the Bible where the Sabbath is mentioned - especially in the Pentateuch. 

So, what can we say from all this data? First, let me define some terms. The "Sabbath" is the one day in seven that God has set aside for rest and public worship. Until the Resurrection of Christ, this was on the last day of the week: Saturday, to reflect the original creation. But, since the Resurrection, the Christian Sabbath has been on Sunday, to reflect the new creation we have in Christ.

  1. I think it is fairly clear that the Sabbath has been around since the Creation. See the Exodus 20 passage, and the reason for the Sabbath commandment. Since it's a creation ordinance, I see no reason why we should stop observing the Sabbath. Jesus did not abolish the law in the NT, He fulfilled it. And when He was "breaking" the Sabbath, if you read those passages in context, I think you would rather say that He was restoring the Sabbath back to what it should have been. The Pharisees had put up all kinds of additional commandments around the Sabbath, ostensibly to prevent themselves from actually breaking the Sabbath. But these burdensome commandments had obscured the true meaning of the Sabbath. 
  2. We are not to obey this commandment in order to earn salvation. That's impossible. We are to obey this commandment, because loving God and obeying God are the same thing, and God has loved us first. We are to obey it because we are grateful for the tremendous salvation God has given us. This is the third use of the law: to inform the life of the believer. Furthermore, to say that someone who is serious about trying to keep the Sabbath must be a legalist is nonsense. Would you say that a believer who is doing his best not to murder someone or commit adultery is being a "legalist"? Give the Sabbatarians a break, here! Because of this, I think it is definitely worthwhile to think about just what this commandment means. 
  3. The gist of the Exodus and Deuteronomy commandments seems to be this: cease doing your work that you need to do in order to have food on the table, a roof over your head, and clothes on your body; devote the day to resting and to God. Delighting in God seems a major theme, when you consider the Isaiah passage. This should not be a drudgery, as Laura Ingalls Wilder portrayed it in her Little House series. We should want to worship God on this day. 
  4. The Isaiah 58 passage is challenging. To me, the debate hinges on the meaning of the word translated "pleasure", in verse 13. If you look this word up in Strong's (it's translated "pleasure" in the KJV as well), you can find the exact word used. Then, if you look that word up in the Concise Hebrew-Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (CHALOT), you find that this word has four meanings: 1. Joy, pleasure. 2. Wish. 3. Costly jewels. 4. Affair, business. CHALOT quotes Isaiah 58:13 has having the fourth meaning: affair or business. I think you can see that this meaning (that of "affair" or "business") has a more restricted meaning than "pleasure", at least for the purposes of this passage. If we take this word in the fourth sense, then Isaiah is not adding anything to the meaning already present in Exodus and Deuteronomy. Here's the passage in "Keister Standard Version":

    13 If you turn back your foot from the Sabbath,
        from doing your business on my holy day,
    and call the Sabbath a delight
        and the holy day of the Lord honorable;
    if you honor it, not going your own ways,
        or seeking your own business, or talking idly;
    14 then you shall take delight in the Lord,
        and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth;
    I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father,
        for the mouth of the Lord has spoken. (Emphasis added.)

    Wonderful promises! If we needed more incentives to keep the Sabbath, here are some great ones! Probably you can see what I'm getting at here: Isaiah 58:13-14 is the only passage that the strict Sabbatarians (Puritan view, Westminster Standards view, bless them!) can muster to support their view that recreations lawful on other days of the week are not lawful on the Sabbath. Here's an imaginary conversation between a strict Sabbatarian and a Continentalist:
    Strict Sabbatarian: Isaiah 58:13-14!!!
    Continentalist: You keep using that verse. I do not think it means what you think it means. 

    So I do not hold to the strict Sabbatarian view, or the Puritan view, of the Sabbath. I have respect for it, and I do think that the Westminster Standards teach the Puritan view. So, this has to be my one exception (or "quibble", as we say in the OPC!) with the Westminster Standards.

  5. Where does the rubber hit the road? When you decide what you will actually do and not do on the Sabbath. How can you decide what that will be? Well, I propose this grid for determining what is lawful on the Sabbath (and here I have to make exceptions for pastors, doctors, police, etc., who have to work on Sunday. For them, they should simply celebrate the Sabbath on a different day.): whatever is necessary for you to do in order to put food on the table, a roof over your head, and clothes on your body, is, generally, what you should not do on the Sabbath. Exceptions: when your ox is in the ditch, so to speak, you get it out. What does that mean? It means that if something happens that would severely interfere with your ability to put food on the table, etc., then you deal with it when you need to. If that's on the Sabbath, that's ok. You can think of it as a work of necessity. Examples: normal chores that simply have to be done, like dishes. Or if, through no fault of your own, you've found out something at work has to be dealt with asap, then you do that. I think this is predicated on having prepared for the Sabbath. If you find yourself getting oxes out of ditches pretty much every Sabbath, then you should ask yourself whether you've prepared for the Sabbath adequately! Another exception is works of mercy. Jesus healed on the Sabbath, and we should do likewise. I think lawful recreations are perfectly fine on the Sabbath. You need to rest your body on the Sabbath, so that Sunday afternoon nap is a great idea! You should worship on Sunday as well. I particularly like morning and evening worship on Sundays, but a lot of churches don't have that any more, alas. 
  6. So here's what I would recommend when you are thinking about whether something is lawful to do on the Sabbath or not: ask yourself if it's necessary for you to do in order to put food on the table, or a roof over your head, or clothes on your body. If so, you should not do it unless your ox is in the ditch. If not, then ask yourself if it will be relaxing, or stressful. If it will be stressful, then think twice about doing it! If relaxing, then it's probably fine. However, whatever it is shouldn't get in the way of public worship, which is the single most important thing you do all week. It also shouldn't get in the way of works of mercy and necessity. I doubt this little rubric will cover all possibilities, so I'm open to suggestions. What are your thoughts? 

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So here it is, my ginormous humanities reading list. I've constructed it painstakingly out of many other lists. I've included most major works of literature, history, philosophy, and economics. I've left out mathematics, most science, and medicine.

Humanities Reading List

  •  (Sum.) (c. 2000 BC): Epic of Gilgamesh
  •  Learn Hebrew: Weingreen's A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew
  •  (Heb.) (1400 BC) God: Old Testament
  •  Learn Greek: Groton's From Alpha to Omega
  •  (Gr.) Homer (850 BC): Iliad, Odyssey
  •  (Gr.) Hesiod (750 BC - 650 BC): Complete Loeb Edition
  •  (Gr.) Sappho (630 BC - 570 BC): Poetry
  •  (Gr.) Aesop (620 BC - 564 BC): Fables (Babrius Collection)
  •  (Ch.) Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC): Analects
  •  (Ch.) Tzu (544 BC - 496 BC): The Art of War
  •  (Gr.) Aeschylus (525 BC - 455 BC): Oresteia: Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, The Eumeides, Prometheus Bound
  •  (Gr.) Pindar (522 BC - 443 BC): Complete Loeb Edition
  •  (Heb./Gr.) (500 BC - 0 AD): Apocrypha
  •  (Gr.) Sophocles (497 BC - 406 BC): Ajax, Electra, Oedipus Tyrannus, Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus, Philoctetes
  •  (Gr.) Gorgias (485 BC - 380 BC): Encomium, Defense of Palamedes
  •  (Gr.) Herodotus (484 BC - 425 BC): The Histories
  •  (Gr.) Euripides (480 BC - 406 BC): Iphigenia at Aulis, Orestes, Iphigenia amoung the Taurians, Electra, Heracles, Children of Heracles, Hippolytus, Andromache, Hecuba, The Bacchae, Medea
  •  (Gr.) Thucydides (460 BC - 395 BC): History of the Peloponnesian War
  •  (Gr.) Aristophanes (446 BC - 386 BC): Frogs, Birds, Lysistrata, Clouds, Wasps, Peace
  •  (Gr.) Xenophon (430 BC - 354 BC): Memorabilia, Oeconomicus, Symposium, Apology
  •  (Gr.) Plato (428 BC - 427 BC): The Republic, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Phaedrus, Laws, Meno, Gorgias, Symposium, Parmenides, Theaetetus, Sophist, Timaeus, Protagoras
  •  (Gr.) Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC): Rhetoric, Nicomachean Ethics, Physics, Metaphysics, Politics, Poetics, Categories, On Interpretation, Prior Analytics, Posterior Analytics, Topics, Sophistical Refutations, On the Soul
  •  (Gr.) Demosthenes (384 BC - 322 BC): Orations
  •  (Gr.) Menander (342 BC - 291 BC): Complete Loeb Edition
  •  (Gr.) Aratus (315 BC - 240 BC): Phaenomena
  •  Learn Latin: Orberg: Lingua Latina
  •  (La.) Plautus (254 BC - 184 BC): Complete Loeb Edition
  •  (Gr.) Polybius (200 BC - 118 BC): Histories
  •  (Gr.) (132 BC): Septuagint
  •  (La.) Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC): Rhetorica ad Herennium, On Friendship and Old Age, Orations, On Invention
  •  (La.) Caesar (100 BC - 44 BC): Commentaries
  •  (La.) Lucretius (99BC - 55BC): On the Nature of Things
  •  (La.) Catullus (84 BC - 54 BC): Poetry
  •  (La.) Vitruvius (80 BC - 15 BC): On Architecture
  •  (La.) Virgil (70 BC - 19 BC): Aeneid
  •  (La.) Horace (65 BC - 8 BC): Odes, Epodes, Satires, The Art of Poetry
  •  (La.) Livy (59 BC - AD 17): History of Rome
  •  (La.) Ovid (43 BC - AD 17): Metamorphoses
  •  (La.) Phaedrus (15 BC - AD 50): Fables Collection
  •  (La.) Seneca (1 BC - AD 65): Tragedies, Natural Questions, Moral Essays
  •  (La.) Pliny (AD 23 - AD 79): Naturalis Historia
  •  (La.) Quintilian (AD 35 - AD 100): Declamations, Orations, Institutio Oratoria
  •  (Gr.) Josephus (AD 37 - AD 100): The Jewish War, Antiquities of the Jews
  •  (Gr.) Plutarch (AD 46 - AD 120): Lives, Moralia
  •  (La.) Juvenal (c. AD 50 - AD 150): Juvenal and Persius
  •  (Gr.) Epictetus (AD 55 - AD 135): Discourses, The Encheiridion, Manual
  •  (La.) Tacitus (AD 56 - AD 117): Annals, Histories, Dialogue on Oratory, Agricola, Germania
  •  (Gr.) God: New Testament
  •  (Gr.) Arrian (AD 86 - AD 160): Anabasis of Alexander
  •  (Gr.) (c. 100) Didache
  •  (Gr.) Marcus Aurelius (AD 121 - AD 180): Meditations
  •  (Gr.) Lucian (AD 125 - AD 180): The Way to Write History, The True History, The Sale of Creeds
  •  (Gr.) Clement of Alexandria (AD 150 - AD 215): The Exhortation to the Greeks, The Rich Man's Salvation, To the Newly Baptized
  •  (La.) Tertullian (AD 160 - AD 220): Apology, De Spectaculis, Minucius Felix: Octavius
  •  (Gr.) Plotinus (AD 204 - AD 270): Enneads
  •  (Gr.) Eusebius (AD 263 - AD 339): Ecclesiastical History
  •  (La.) Jerome (AD 347 - AD 420): Letters, Vulgate
  •  (La.) Augustine (AD 354 - AD 430): Confessions, City of God, On the Teacher, Christian Doctrine
  •  (La.) Capella (AD 410 - AD 429): De nuptiis
  •  (La.) Boethius (AD 480 - AD 524): The Consolation of Philosophy
  •  (La.) Cassiodorus (AD 485 - AD 585): Chronica, Gothic History, De anima, De Artibus ac Disciplinis Liberalium Litterarum, Institutiones Divinarum et Saecularium Litterarum
  •  (Ar.) Muhammad (AD 570 - AD 632): Koran
  •  (OE) Caedmon (c. AD 657): Hymn
  •  (La.) Bede (AD 672 - AD 735): Ecclesiastical History of the English People
  •  (La.?) Einhard (AD 775 - AD 840): Vita Karoli Magna
  •  (OE) (c. AD 800): Beowulf
  •  (OE) (AD 991): The Battle of Maldon
  •  Learn Icelandic: Einarsson's Icelandic: Grammar, Text and Glossary, Bayldon's An Elementary Grammar of the Old Norse or Icelandic Language, Gordon's An Introduction to Old Norse
  •  (O.Nor.) skaldaspillir (AD 900's): Hakonarmal
  •  (La.) Anselm of Canterbury (AD 1033 - AD 1109): Proslogion
  •  (La.) Abelard (AD 1079 - AD 1142): Abelard and Heloise, Dialectica, Tractatus de intellectibus, Dialogue of a Philosopher with a Jew and a Christian, Ethics
  •  (La.) Lombard (AD 1100 - AD 1160): Four Books of Sentences
  •  (Ar.) Averroes (AD 1126 - AD 1198): Commentaries on Aristotle and Plato, Decisive Treatise and Epistle Dedicatory
  •  (Heb.) Maimonides (AD 1135 - AD 1204: Mishneh Torah
  •  Learn Old French:
  •  (Fr.) (AD 1155): La Chanson de Roland
  •  Learn Middle High German:
  •  (MHG) Eschenbach (AD 1170 - AD 1220): Parzival
  •  (MHG) Vogelweide (AD 1170 - AD 1230): Poetry
  •  (Ice.) Sturluson (AD 1179 - AD 1241): Snorra Edda, Heimskringla
  •  (Sp.) (AD 1195 - AD 1207): The Lay of the Cid
  •  (MHG) Strassburg (AD 1210): Tristan
  •  (Ice.) (AD 1220): Fagrskinna
  •  (La.) Aquinas (AD 1225 - AD 1274): Summa Theologica, Summa contra Gentiles
  •  (Fr.) de Lorris (AD 1230) and de Meun (AD 1250 - AD 1305): Roman de la Rose
  •  (MHG) (AD 1250): Das Nibelungenlied
  •  (Ice.) (AD 1250): Völsungasaga
  •  (Fr.) Polo (AD 1254 - AD 1324): Livres des merveilles du monde
  •  (Ice.) (AD 1270): Poetic Edda
  •  (Ice.) (AD 1275): Njáls saga
  •  Learn Italian:
  •  (It.) Dante (AD 1265 - AD 1321): La Grande Commedia, La Vita Nuova, De Monarchia
  •  (La.) Occam (AD 1288 - AD 1347): Summa logicae, Quaestiones et decisiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi
  •  (It.) Petrarch (AD 1304 - AD 1374): Il Canzoniere, Trionfi
  •  (It.) Boccaccio (AD 1313 - AD 1375): Decameron
  •  (ME) Langland (AD 1332 - AD 1386): Vision of Piers Plowman
  •  (ME) Chaucer (AD 1343 - AD 1400): Canterbury Tales, Troilus and Criseyde
  •  (ME) (AD 1390): Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
  •  (ME) Malory (AD 1405 - AD 1471): Le Morte d'Arthur
  •  (It.) Machiavelli (AD 1469 - AD 1527): Il Principe, Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio
  •  (La.) Erasmus (AD 1469 0 AD 1536): Stultitiae Laus
  •  (It.) Ariosto (AD 1474 - AD 1533): Orlando Furioso
  •  (La.) More (AD 1478 - AD 1535): Libellus vere aureus, nec minus salutaris quam festivus, de optimo rei publicae statu deque nova insula Utopia
  •  Learn High German: Hammer's German Grammar
  •  (Ger.) Luther (AD 1483 - AD 1546): An den christlichen Adel deutscher Nation, Prelude on the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen, Tischreden, Bibel, Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum
  •  (Eng.) Cranmer (AD 1489 - AD 1556): Book of Common Prayer, Thirty-Nine Articles
  •  Learn French:
  •  (Fr.) Rabelais (AD 1494 - 1553): La vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel
  •  (It.) Cellini (AD 1500 - AD 1571): Autobiography
  •  (Eng.) Wyatt (AD 1503 - AD 1542): Poems of Thomas Wyatt
  •  (La., Fr.) Calvin (AD 1509 - AD 1564): Institutes
  •  (It.) Vasari (AD 1511 - AD 1574): Le Vite de' più eccellenti pittori, scultori, ed architettori
  •  (Eng.) Foxe (AD 1517 - AD 1587): Book of Martyrs
  •  (Fr.) Montaigne (AD 1533 - AD 1592): Essais
  •  (Ice.) Thorlaksson (AD 1541 - AD 1627): Bible
  •  (Sp.) Cervantes (AD 1547 - AD 1616): Don Quixote
  •  (Eng.) Spenser (AD 1552 - AD 1599): Faerie Queene, Prothalamion
  •  (Eng.) Sydney (AD 1554 - AD 1586): Defense of Poesy
  •  Bacon (AD 1561 - AD 1626): (La.) Novum Organum, (La.) Nova Atlantis, (Eng.) Essays, (Eng.) Advancement of Learning
  •  (Eng.) Marlowe (AD 1564 - AD 1593): Doctor Faustus, The Jew of Malta
  •  (Eng.) Shakespeare (AD 1564 - AD 1616): Complete Works
  •  (Eng.) Donne (AD 1572 - AD 1631): Songs and Sonnets, Holy Sonnets, Sermons
  •  (Eng.) Jonson (AD 1572 - AD 1637): Timber
  •  (It.) Diodati (AD 1576 - AD 1649): Bible
  •  (La.) Ussher (AD 1581 - AD 1656): Annales Veteris Testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti, una cum rerum Asiaticarum et Aegyptiacarum chronico, a temporis historici principio usque ad Maccabaicorum initia producto
  •  (Eng.) Hobbes (AD 1588 - AD 1679): Leviathan
  •  (Eng.) Bradford (AD 1590 - AD 1657): Of Plymouth Plantation
  •  (La.) Comenius (AD 1592 - AD 1670): Didactica Magna
  •  (Eng.) Herbert (AD 1593 - AD 1633): The Temple
  •  (Eng.) Walton (AD 1593 - AD 1683): The Compleat Angler, The Lives of - John Donne - Sir Henry Wotton - Richard Hooker - George Herbert & Robert Sanderson
  •  Descartes (AD 1596 - AD 1650): (Fr.) Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire sa raison, et chercher la vérité dans les sciences, (La.) Meditationes de prima philosophia, (La. or Fr.) Regulae ad directionem ingenii
  •  (Eng.) Rutherford (AD 1600 - AD 1661): Lex Rex
  •  (Eng.) Browne (AD 1605 - AD 1682): Religio Medici
  •  (Eng.) Milton (AD 1608 - AD 1674): Sonnets, Paradise Lost, On Education, Areopagitica, Samson Agonistes
  •  (Eng.) (AD 1611): King James Bible
  •  (Fr.) La Rochefoucauld (AD 1613 - AD 1680): Maximes
  •  (Eng.) Evelyn (AD 1620 - AD 1706): Diary
  •  (Ger.) Grimmelshausen (AD 1621 - AD 1676): Simplicius Simplicissimus
  •  (Eng.) Marvell (AD 1621 - AD 1678): "To His Coy Mistress"
  •  (Fr.) La Fontaine (AD 1621 - AD 1695): Fables Choisies
  •  (Fr.) Moliere (AD 1622 - AD 1673): Tartuffe, ou l'Imposteur, Le Misanthrope, L'Avare, L'école des femmes, Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre
  •  (Fr.) Pascal (AD 1623 - AD 1662): Pensees, Lettres provinciales
  •  (Eng.) Bunyan (AD 1628 - AD 1688): Pilgrim's Progress
  •  (Eng.) Dryden (AD 1631 - AD 1700): Absalom and Achitophel, MacFlecknoe
  •  (La.) Spinoza (AD 1632 - AD 1677): Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, Ethics
  •  (Eng.) Locke (AD 1632 - AD 1704): An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Second Treatise of Government, Letter Concerning Toleration, Thoughts Concerning Education
  •  (Eng.) Pepys (AD 1633 - AD 1703): Diary
  •  (Fr.) La Fayette (AD 1634 - AD 1693): La Princesse de Cleves
  •  (Fr.) Racine (AD 1639 - AD 1699): Andromache, Phaedra
  •  (Fr.) Leibniz (AD 1646 - AD 1716): Monadology, Discourse on Metaphysics, Nouveaux essais sur l'entendement humain
  •  (Eng.) Defoe (AD 1659 - AD 1731): Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders
  •  (Eng.) Swift (AD 1667 - AD 1745): Gulliver's Travels, A Tale of a Tub, Journal to Stella, A Modest Proposal
  •  (Eng.) Congreve (AD 1670 - AD 1729): The Way of the World
  •  (Eng.) Addison (AD 1672 - 1719): The Spectator
  •  (Eng.) Berkeley (AD 1685 - AD 1753): Principles of Human Knowledge
  •  (Eng.) Pope (AD 1688 - AD 1744): The Rape of the Lock, The Dunciad, Essay on Criticism, Essay on Man
  •  (Fr.) Montesquieu (AD 1689 - AD 1755): The Spirit of the Laws
  •  (Eng.) Richardson (AD 1689 - AD 1761): Clarissa
  •  (Eng.) Montagu (AD 1689 - AD 1762): Letters
  •  (Fr.) Voltaire (AD 1694 - AD 1778): Letters on the English, Candide, Philosophical Dictionary
  •  (Eng.) Franklin (AD 1706 - AD 1790): Poor Richard's Almanack, Autobiography
  •  (Eng.) Fielding (AD 1707 - AD 1754): Tom Jones, Joseph Andrews, Shamela
  •  (Eng.) Johnson (AD 1709 - AD 1784): Preface to Shakespeare, The Vanity of Human Wishes, Rasselas, The Lives of the Poets, A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland
  •  (Eng.) Hume (AD 1711 - AD 1776): Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, A Treatise of Human Nature, Essays Moral and Political, The History of England
  •  (Fr.) Rousseau (AD 1712 - AD 1778): Emile, Julie, Confessions, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, On the Social Contract, On Political Economy
  •  (Eng.) Sterne (AD 1713 - AD 1768): Tristram Shandy, A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
  •  (Fr.) Diderot (AD 1713 - AD 1784): Jacques le fataliste et son maitre, La religieuse
  •  (Eng.) Gray (AD 1716 - AD 1771): "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard"
  •  (Eng.) Blackstone (AD 1723 - AD 1780): Commentaries
  •  (Eng.) Smith (AD 1723 - AD 1790): The Wealth of Nations, The Theory of the Moral Sentiments
  •  (Fr.) (AD 1724): Ostervald Bible
  •  (Ger.) Kant (AD 1724 - AD 1804): Critique of Pure Reason, Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, Metaphysics of Morals, Critique of Practical Reason, Critique of Judgement, Perpetual Peace
  •  (Ger.) Mendelssohn (AD 1729 - AD 1786): Phädon, Jerusalem or on Religious Might and Judaism
  •  (Eng.) Burke (AD 1729 - AD 1797): Reflections on the Revolution in France
  •  (Ger.) Hamann (AD 1730 - AD 1788): Sokratische Denkwurdigkeiten, Aesthetica in nuce, Gedanken uber meinen Lebenslauf, Kreuzzuge des Philologen, Golgotha and Scheblimini! By a Preacher in the Wilderness
  •  (Eng.) MacPherson (AD 1736 - AD 1796): The Works of Ossian
  •  (Eng.) Gibbon (AD 1737 - AD 1794): History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Autobiography
  •  (Eng.) Paine (AD 1737 - AD 1809): Rights of Man, Common Sense
  •  (Eng.) Boswell (AD 1740 - AD 1795): The Life of Samuel Johnson
  •  (Fr.) Laclos (AD 1741 - AD 1803): Les Liaisons Dangereuses
  •  (Ger.) Wyss (AD 1743 - AD 1818): Swiss Family Robinson
  •  (Ger.) von Herder (AD 1744 - AD 1803): Treatise on the Origin of Language, Auszug aus einem Briefwechsel über Ossian und die Lieder alter Völker
  •  (Eng.) Bentham (AD 1748 - AD 1832): Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, Theory of Fictions
  •  (Ger.) Goethe (AD 1749 - AD 1832): Faust, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Poetry and Truth
  •  (Eng.) Blake (AD 1757 - AD 1827): Songs of Innocence and of Experience
  •  (Eng.) Burns (AD 1759 - AD 1796): Songs and Poems
  •  (Eng.) Wollstonecraft (AD 1759 - AD 1797): A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  •  (Ger.) Schiller (AD 1759 - AD 1805): Die Räuber, William Tell, Wallenstein Trilogy, Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen
  •  (Ger.) von Gentz (AD 1764 - AD 1832): The Origin and Principles of the American Revolution (Eng. Translation by John Quincy Adams)
  •  (Eng.) Malthus (AD 1766 - AD 1834): An Essay on the Principle of Population
  •  (Fr.) Chateaubriand (AD 1768 - AD 1848): Atala, Rene
  •  (Ger.) Hegel (AD 1770 - AD 1832): Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics, Philosophy of History, Science of Logic, Phenomenology of Spirit, Philosophy of Right
  •  (Eng.) Hogg (AD 1770 - AD 1835): Confessions of a Justified Sinner
  •  (Eng.) Wordsworth (AD 1770 - AD 1850): "Tintern Abbey", Preface to Lyrical Ballads, "Ode: Intimations of Immortality", The Prelude, Lucy poems, Sonnets
  •  (Eng.) Scott (AD 1771 - AD 1832): Ivanhoe, Rob Roy, The Lady of the Lake, Waverly, The Heart of Midlothian, The Bride of Lammermoor, Kenilworth, The Talisman, A Legend of Montrose
  •  (Eng.) Owen (AD 1771 - AD 1858): A New View of Society, Book of the New Moral World, Revolution in the Mind and Practice of the Human Race
  •  (Eng.) Ricardo (AD 1772 - AD 1823): Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
  •  (Ger.) Schlegel (AD 1772 - AD 1829): Geschichte, Sämtliche Werke
  •  (Eng.) Coleridge (AD 1772 - AD 1834): The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan, Biographica Literaria
  •  (Eng.) Austen (AD 1775 - AD 1817): Complete Works
  •  (Eng.) Lamb (AD 1775 - AD 1834): Essays of Elia
  •  (Eng.) Landor (AD 1775 - AD 1864): Imaginary Conversations
  •  (Eng.) (AD 1776): US Declaration of Independence
  •  (Eng.) Hazlitt (AD 1778 - AD 1830): Selected Essays of William Hazlitt 1778 To 1830
  •  (Ger.) Clausewitz (AD 1780 - AD 1831): On War
  •  (Fr.) Stendhal (AD 1783 - AD 1842): The Red and the Black, The Charterhouse of Parma, On Love
  •  (Eng.) Leigh Hunt (AD 1784 - AD 1859): Essays
  •  (Eng.) Irving (AD 1783 - AD 1859): The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent
  •  (Ger.) Grimm (AD 1785 - 1863): Fairy Tales
  •  (It.) Manzoni (AD 1785 - AD 1873): I Promessi Sposi
  •  (Eng.) (AD 1787) Federalist Papers, Anti-Federalist Papers
  •  (Eng.) (AD 1787) US Constitution and Amendments
  •  (Eng.) Byron (AD 1788 - AD 1824): Don Juan
  •  (Ger.) Schopenhauer (AD 1788 - AD 1860): The World as Will and Representation
  •  (Eng.) Cooper (AD 1789 - AD 1851): The Deerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, The Pathfinder, The Pioneers, The Prairie
  •  (Eng.) Percy Shelley (AD 1792 - AD 1822): "Ode to the West Wind", "To a Skylark"
  •  (Eng.) Keats (AD 1795 - AD 1821): "Ode on a Grecian Urn", "Ode to a Nightingale", "To Autumn"
  •  (Eng.) Carlyle (AD 1795 - AD 1881): The French Revolution: A History
  •  (Eng.) Mary Shelley (AD 1797 - AD 1851): Frankenstein
  •  (Ger.) Heine (AD 1797 - AD 1856): Various Works
  •  (Fr.) Comte (AD 1798 - AD 1857): The Positive Philosophy
  •  (Rus.) Pushkin (AD 1799 - AD 1837): The Captain's Daughter, Boris Godunov, Eugene Onegin
  •  (Fr.) Balzac (AD 1799 - AD 1850): La Comedie humaine, Father Goriot
  •  (Eng.) Macaulay (AD 1800 - AD 1859): The History of England from the Accession of James II
  •  (Eng.) Newman (AD 1801 - AD 1890): Apologia pro Vita Sua, Discourses on the Scope and Nature of University Education, Idea of a University
  •  (Fr.) Dumas (AD 1802 - AD 1870): The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers
  •  (Finn.) Lönnrot (AD 1802 - AD 1884): Kalevala
  •  (Fr.) Hugo (AD 1802 - AD 1885): Les Miserables, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Les Contemplations
  •  (Fr.) Berlioz (AD 1803 - AD 1869): Memoirs
  •  (Eng.) Emerson (AD 1803 - AD 1882): Essays: First and Second Series, Representative Men, Journal, Self-Reliance
  •  (Eng.) Hawthorne (AD 1804 - AD 1864): Scarlet Letter, House of the Seven Gables, Blithedale Romance, Mosses from an Old Manse, Tanglewood Tales
  •  (Eng.) Smith (AD 1805 - AD 1844): Book of Mormon
  •  (Fr.) de Tocqueville (AD 1805 - AD 1859): Democracy in America, 'Ancien Régime et la Révolution
  •  (Dan.) Anderson (AD 1805 - AD 1875): Fairy Tales
  •  (Eng.) Elizabeth Browning (AD 1806 - AD 1861): Sonnets from the Portuguese
  •  (Eng.) Mill (AD 1806 - AD 1873): On Liberty, A System of Logic, Representative Government, Utilitarianism, The Subjection of Women, Autobiography
  •  (Eng.) Longfellow (AD 1807 - AD 1882): Paul Revere's Ride, The Song of Hiawatha, Evangeline, The Skeleton in Armor, The Courtship of Miles Standish, The Village Blacksmith, Excelsior, The Wreck of the Hesperus
  •  (Eng.) Poe (AD 1809 - AD 1849): Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesgue
  •  (Rus.) Gogol (AD 1809 - AD 1852): Taras Bul'ba, Dead Souls, The Government Inspector, Diary of a Madman, The Nose, The Overcoat, Collected Tales
  •  (Fr.) Proudhon (AD 1809 - AD 1865): What is Property?, The Philosophy of Poverty
  •  (Eng.) Darwin (AD 1809 - AD 1882): Origin of Species, Descent of Man, Autobiography, The Voyage of the Beagle
  •  (Eng.) Tennyson (AD 1809 - AD 1892): "Ulysses", In Memoriam, Idylls of the King
  •  (Eng.) Gaskell (AD 1810 - AD 1865): Cranford, My Lady Ludlow, Mr. Harrison's Confessions, North and South, Wives and Daughters, Mary Barton
  •  (Eng.) Thackeray (AD 1811 - AD 1863): Vanity Fair
  •  (Eng.) Stowe (AD 1811 - AD 1896): Uncle Tom's Cabin
  •  (Eng.) Dickens (AD 1812 - AD 1870): Complete Works
  •  (Eng.) Robert Browning (AD 1812 - AD 1889): My Last Duchess
  •  (Rus.) Goncharov (AD 1812 - AD 1891): Oblomov
  •  (Dan.) Kierkegaard (AD 1813 - AD 1855): Fear and Trembling, The Sickness Unto Death, The Book on Adler, Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments
  •  (Rus.) Lermontov (AD 1814 - AD 1841): A Hero of Our Time
  •  (Eng.) Trollope (AD 1815 - AD 1882): Barsetshire and Palliser Novels
  •  (Eng.) Bronte (AD 1816 - AD 1855): Jane Eyre, Villette, Shirley, The Professor
  •  (Eng.) Thoreau (AD 1817 - AD 1862): Walden, Civil Disobedience
  •  (Eng.) Bronte (AD 1818 - AD 1848): Wuthering Heights
  •  (Ger.) Marx (AD 1818 - AD 1883): The Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital, The German Ideology, The Poverty of Philosophy
  •  (Rus.) Turgenev (AD 1818 - AD 1883): Fathers and Sons, A Sportsman's Notebook, First Love and Other Stories
  •  (Eng.) Douglass (AD 1818 - AD 1895): Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
  •  (Eng.) Eliot (AD 1819 - AD 1880): Adam Bede, Mill on the Floss, Silas Marner, Middlemarch, Daniel Deronda
  •  (Eng.) Lowell (AD 1819 - AD 1891): A Fable for Critics, The Biglow Papers
  •  (Eng.) Melville (AD 1819 - AD 1891): Moby Dick, Billy Budd, Typee
  •  (Eng.) Whitman (AD 1819 - AD 1892): Leaves of Grass
  •  (Eng.) Ruskin (AD 1819 - AD 1900): The Stones of Venice, Praeterita
  •  (Eng.) Sewell (AD 1820 - AD 1878): Black Beauty
  •  (Fr.) Flaubert (AD 1821 - AD 1880): Madame Bovary, Three Stories
  •  (Rus.) Dostoyevsky (AD 1821 - AD 1881): Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, The Idiot, Notes from Underground, Demons, The Adolescent, The Double, The Gambler
  •  (Eng.) Arnold (AD 1822 - AD 1888): "Dover Beach"
  •  (Eng.) Collins (AD 1824 - AD 1889): The Woman in White, The Moonstone, Armadale, No Name
  •  (Eng.) MacDonald (AD 1824 - AD 1905): Phantastes, The Princess and the Goblin, At the Back of the North Wind, Lilith, Sir Gibbie
  •  (Eng.) Blackmore (AD 1825 - AD 1900): Lorna Doone
  •  (Ger.) Spyri (AD 1827 - AD 1901): Heidi
  •  (Eng.) Wallace (AD 1827 - AD 1905): Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ
  •  (Eng.) Verne (AD 1828 - AD 1905): Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, A Journey to the Center of the Earth, Around the World in Eighty Days
  •  (Nor.) Ibsen (AD 1828 - AD 1906): Hedda Gabler, A Doll's House, The Wild Duck, Peer Gynt
  •  (Rus.) Tolstoy (AD 1828 - AD 1910): War and Peace, Anna Karenina. What is Art?, Twenty-three Tales, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth, The Cossacks
  •  (Eng.) Dickenson (AD 1830 - AD 1886): Complete Poems
  •  (Eng.) Dodge (AD 1831 - AD 1905): Hans Brinker
  •  (Eng.) Alcott (AD 1832 - AD 1888): Little Women, An Old-Fashioned Girl
  •  (Eng.) Carroll (AD 1832 - AD 1898): Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, The Hunting of the Snark, Jabberwocky
  •  (Eng.) Henty (AD 1832 - AD 1902): Various Novels
  •  (Eng.) Butler (AD 1835 - AD 1902): The Way of All Flesh, Erewhon
  •  (Eng.) Twain (AD 1835 - AD 1910): The Prince and the Pauper, A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court, Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, The Mysterious Stranger
  •  (Dut.) Kuyper (AD 1837 - AD 1920): Calvinisme
  •  (Eng.) Pierce (AD 1839 - AD 1914): Various Papers
  •  (Fr.) Zola (AD 1840 - AD 1902): Germinal, Lourdes, Rome, Paris
  •  (Eng.) Dobson, Henry Austin (AD 1840 - AD 1921): Various
  •  (Ger.) Mengor (AD 1840 - AD 1921): Principles of Economics
  •  (Eng.) Hardy (AD 1840 - AD 1928): Jude the Obscure, Return of the Native, Far from the Madding Crowd, Tess of the d'Urbervilles, "Channel Firing", The Mayor of Casterbridge, The Woodlanders
  •  (Eng.) William James (AD 1842 - AD 1910): The Principles of Psychology, The Varieties of Religious Experience, Pragmatism, Essays in Radical Empiricism
  •  (Eng.) Henry James (AD 1843 - AD 1916): The Portrait of a Lady, The American, The Ambassadors, The Golden Bowl, The Princess Casamassima, The Bostonians, The Awkward Age, The Wings of the Dove, Collected Stories
  •  (Eng.) Hopkins (AD 1844 - AD 1889): "Pied Beauty"
  •  (Ger.) Nietzsche (AD 1844 - AD 1900): Thus Spake Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, The Geneology of Morals, The Will to Power
  •  (Pol.) Sienkiewicz (AD 1846 - AD 1916): The Teutonic Knights, With Fire and Sword, The Deluge, Fire in the Steppe, Quo Vadis
  •  (Eng.) Stoker (AD 1847 - AD 1912): Dracula
  •  (Fr.) Sorel (AD 1847 - AD 1922): Reflections on Violence
  •  (Ger.) Frege (AD 1848 - AD 1925): Begriffsschrift
  •  (Eng.) Burnett (AD 1849 - AD 1924): The Secret Garden, A Little Princess, Little Lord Fauntleroy, The Lost Prince
  •  (Fr.) de Maupassant (AD 1850 - AD 1893): Bel Ami, La Parure
  •  (Eng.) Stevenson (AD 1850 - AD 1894): Treasure Island, Kidnapped, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Virginibus Puerisque, A Child's Garden of Verses, The Master of Ballantrae, The Weir of Hermiston
  •  (Eng.) Chopin (AD 1851 - AD 1904): The Awakening
  •  (Ger.) von Böhm-Bawerk (AD 1851 - AD 1914): Capital and Interest
  •  (Eng.) Pyle (AD 1853 - AD 1911): Robin Hood
  •  (Eng.) Wilde (AD 1854 - AD 1900): The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Importance of Being Earnest
  •  (Eng.) Booker T. Washington (AD 1856 - AD 1915): Up From Slavery
  •  (Eng.) Baum (AD 1856 - AD 1919): The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  •  (Eng.) Haggard (AD 1856 - AD 1925): King Solomon's Mines
  •  (Ger.) Freud (AD 1856 - AD 1939): General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, The Interpretation of Dreams, Civilization and Its Discontents, The Future of an Illusion
  •  (Eng.) Shaw (AD 1856 - AD 1950): Pygmalion, Man and Superman, Major Barbara, Caesar and Cleopatra, Saint Joan
  •  (Eng.) Conrad (AD 1857 - AD 1924): Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, Typhoon and Other Stories, Under Western Eyes, Nostromo, The Secret Agent, Victory
  •  (Eng.) Doyle (AD 1859 - AD 1930): Sherlock Homes, The Lost World
  •  (Eng.) Grahame (AD 1859 - AD 1932): The Wind in the Willows
  •  (Eng.) Housman (AD 1859 - AD 1936): A Shropshire Lad
  •  (Ger.) Husserl (AD 1859 - AD 1938): Logical Investigations, Experience and Judgment, others
  •  (Fr.) Bergson (AD 1859 - AD 1941): Time and Free Will, Matter and Memory, Creative Evolution, The Two Sources of Morality and Religion
  •  (Eng.) Dewey (AD 1859 - AD 1952): How We Think, Democracy and Education, Experience and Nature, Logic, the Theory of Inquiry
  •  (Rus.) Chekhov (AD 1860 - AD 1904): The Stories of Anton Chekhov
  •  (Eng.) Barrie (AD 1860 - AD 1937): Peter Pan
  •  (It.) Svevo (AD 1861 - AD 1928): Zeno's Conscience
  •  (Eng.) Whitehead (AD 1861 - AD 1947): Principia Mathematica
  •  (Eng.) O. Henry (AD 1862 - AD 1910): Short Stories
  •  (Eng.) Wharton (AD 1862 - AD 1937): The Age of Innocence, The House of Mirth, The Custom of the Country, The Reef, Ethan Frome, Summer, Bunner Sisters
  •  (Eng.) Stratton-Porter (AD 1863 - AD 1924): Freckles, A Girl of the Limberlost
  •  (Eng.) Quiller-Couch (AD 1863 - AD 1944): Oxford Book of English Verse, The Pilgrim's Way, Oxford Book of English Prose
  •  (Eng.) Santayana (AD 1863 - AD 1952): The Life of Reason, Skepticism and Animal Faith, Persons and Places
  •  (Ger.) Weber (AD 1864 - AD 1920): Die Protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus, Politik als Beruf, Economy and Society
  •  (Eng.) Kipling (AD 1865 - AD 1936): The Jungle Book, Just So Stories, The Man Who Would Be King, Kim
  •  (Eng.) Yeats (AD 1865 - AD 1939): "Among School Children", "The Second Coming"
  •  (Eng.) Orczy (AD 1865 - AD 1947): The Scarlet Pimpernel Novels
  •  (Eng.) Potter (AD 1866 - AD 1943): Complete Works
  •  (Eng.) Wells (AD 1866 - AD 1946): The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, The New Accelerator
  •  (It.) Pirandello (AD 1867 - AD 1936): Sei Personaggi in Cerca d'Autore
  •  (Eng.) Wilder (AD 1867 - AD 1957): Little House
  •  (Fr.) Rostand (AD 1868 - AD 1918): Cyrano de Bergerac
  •  (Fr.) Leroux (AD 1868 - AD 1927): Le Fantome de l'Opera
  •  (Eng.) Du Bois (AD 1868 - AD 1963): The Souls of Black Folk
  •  (Rus.) Lenin (AD 1870 - AD 1924): The State and Revolution, April Theses
  •  (Eng.) French (AD 1870 - AD 1946): The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow
  •  (Eng.) Belloc (AD 1870 - AD 1953): Essays, The Servile State
  •  (Eng.) Crane (AD 1871 - AD 1900): The Red Badge of Courage
  •  (Fr.) Proust (AD 1871 - AD 1922): Remembrance of Things Past
  •  (Eng.) Russell (AD 1872 - AD 1970): The Problems of Philosophy, The Analysis of Mind, An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits
  •  (Eng.) Ford (AD 1873 - AD 1939): The Good Soldier, Parade's End
  •  (Eng.) Cather (AD 1873 - AD 1947): Death Comes for the Archbishop, My Antonia, O Pioneers!
  •  (Eng.) Chesterton (AD 1874 - AD 1936): Orthodoxy, The Everlasting Man, Father Brown, The Man Who Knew Too Much
  •  (Eng.) Montgomery (AD 1874 - AD 1942): Anne Series
  •  (Eng.) Frost (AD 1874 - AD 1963): "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", "The Road Not Taken"
  •  (Eng.) Burgess (AD 1874 - AD 1965): Various
  •  (Eng.) Churchill (AD 1874 - AD 1965): The Second World War, History of the English-Speaking Peoples
  •  (Eng.) Maugham (AD 1874 - AD 1965): Of Human Bondage, Collected Stories, The Skeptical Romancer
  •  (Eng.) Buchan (AD 1875 - AD 1940): The Thirty-Nine Steps, Greenmantle, Mr. Standfast, The Three Hostages, The Island of Sheep, Witch Wood
  •  (Eng.) Sabatini (AD 1875 - AD  1950): Scaramouche, Captain Blood
  •  (Ger.) Thomas Mann (AD 1875 - AD 1955): Der Zauberberg, Joseph und seine Brüder, Buddenbrooks, Der Tod in Venedig, Doktor Faustus, Sämtliche Erzählungen
  •  (Ger.) Jung (AD 1875 - AD 1961): Psychology of the Unconcious, Psychological Types
  •  (Eng.) London (AD 1876 - AD 1916): White Fang, Call of the Wild, To Build a Fire
  •  (Eng.) Webster (AD 1876 - AD 1916): Daddy-Long-Legs, Dear Enemy
  •  (Ger.) Hesse (AD 1877 - AD 1962): Der Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, Das Glasperlenspiel
  •  (Eng.) Sandburg (AD 1878 - AD 1967): The Complete Poems of Carl Sandburg, Corn Huskers, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years
  •  (Eng.) Sinclair (AD 1878 - AD 1968): The Jungle
  •  (Eng.) Sanger (AD 1879 - AD 1966): The Pivot of Civilization
  •  (Eng.) E. M. Forster (AD 1879 - AD 1970): Howards End, A Passage to India, A Room with a View, Where Angels Fear to Tread
  •  (Eng.) Mencken (AD 1880 - AD 1956): The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, The American Language, Treatise on the Gods
  •  (Eng.) von Mises (AD 1881 - AD 1973): Human Action
  •  (Eng.) Wodehouse (AD 1881 - AD 1975): Jeeves, Blandings Castle, Mulliner, Psmith
  •  (Eng.) Joyce (AD 1882 - AD 1941): Ulysses, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Finnegans Wake, Dubliners
  •  (Eng.) Woolf (AD 1882 - AD 1941): The Common Reader, Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, Orlando, A Room of One's Own
  •  (Eng.) Milne (AD 1882 - AD 1956): Winnie-the-Pooh
  •  (Fr.) Maritain (AD 1882 - AD 1973): Art et Scolastique, Les Degres du Savoir, Les Droits De L'homme Et La Loi Naturelle, Humanisme intégral
  •  (Cz.) Hasek (AD 1883 - AD 1923): The Good Soldier Svejk
  •  (Ger.) Kafka (AD 1883 - AD 1924): Der Prozess, The Castle, The Metamorphosis
  •  (Eng.) Gibran (AD 1883 - AD 1931): Collected Works
  •  (Eng.) Keynes (AD 1883 - AD 1946): The General Theory
  •  (Eng.) Schumpeter (AD 1883 - AD 1950): History of Economic Analysis, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
  •  (Eng.) McCulley (AD 1883 - AD 1958): The Curse of Capistrano (The Mark of Zorro)
  •  (Eng.) Ransome (AD 1884 - AD 1967): Swallows and Amazons series
  •  (Eng.) Lawrence (AD 1885 - AD 1930): Lady Chatterly's Lover, Sons and Lovers, Women in Love, The Rainbow, Stories
  •  (Eng.) Lewis (AD 1885 - AD 1951): Main Street, Arrowsmith, Elmer Gantry, Babbitt
  •  (Eng.) Pound (AD 1885 - AD 1972): "The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter", Ripostes, Hugh Selwyn Mauberly, The Cantos
  •  (Eng.) Durant (AD 1885 - AD 1981): The Story of Civilization, The Story of Philosophy
  •  (Eng.) Williams (AD 1886 - AD 1945): Descent into Hell
  •  (Eng.) Mansfield (AD 1888 - AD 1923): The Garden Party and Other Stories
  •  (Eng.) Chandler (AD 1888 - AD 1959): The Lady in the Lake, The Little Sister, The Long Goodbye, Playback, Collected Stories
  •  (Eng.) Eliot (AD 1888 - AD 1965): "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", The Waste Land
  •  (Ger.) Hitler (AD 1889 - AD 1945): Mein Kampf
  •  (Ger.) Wittgenstein (AD 1889 - AD 1951): Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Philosophische Untersuchungen
  •  (Eng.) Toynbee (AD 1889 - AD 1975): A Study of History, Civilization on Trial
  •  (Ger.) Heidegger (AD 1889 - AD 1976): Sein Und Zeit, Einführung in die Metaphysik, Was ist das - die Philosophie?
  •  (Eng.) Delafield (AD 1890 - AD 1943): Diary of a Provincial Lady
  •  (Rus.) Pasternak (AD 1890 - AD 1960): Doctor Zhivago
  •  (Eng.) Christie (AD 1890 - AD 1976): Various Novels, including The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
  •  (Rus.) Bulgakov (AD 1891 - AD 1940): The Master and Margarita
  •  (Eng.) Forbes (AD 1891 - AD 1967): Johnny Tremain
  •  (Ger., Eng.) Carnap (AD 1891 - AD 1970): Der logische Aufbau der Welt, Scheinprobleme in der Philosophie
  •  (Eng.) Buck (AD 1892 - AD 1973): The Good Earth
  •  (Eng.) Tolkein (AD 1892 - AD 1973): The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The History of Middle Earth, The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun
  •  (Eng.) Cain (AD 1892 - AD 1977): The Postman Always Rings Twice, Double Indemnity, Mildred Pierce, Selected Stories
  •  (Eng.) Ten Boom (AD 1892 - AD 1983): The Hiding Place
  •  (Eng.) Owen (AD 1893 - AD 1918): "Dulce et Decorum Est"
  •  (Eng.) Sayers (AD 1893 - AD 1957): Lord Peter Wimsey Novels
  •  (Ch.) Tse-Tung (AD 1893 - AD 1976): Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung
  •  (Ger.) Roth (AD 1894 - AD 1939): Radetzkymarsch, Hiob, Juden auf Wanderschaft
  •  (Eng.) Kinsey (AD 1894 - AD 1956): Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, Sexual Behavior in the Human Female
  •  (Eng.) Hammett (AD 1894 - AD 1961): The Maltese Falcon, The Thin Man, Red Harvest, The Dain Curse, The Glass Key, Selected Stories
  •  (Eng.) Huxley (AD 1894 - AD 1963): Brave New World
  •  (Dut.) Dooyeweerd (AD 1894 - AD 1977): A New Critique of Theoretical Thought
  •  (Eng.) Fitzgerald (AD 1896 - AD 1940): Great Gatsby, This Side of Paradise
  •  (It.) Lampedusa (AD 1896 - AD 1957): Il Gattopardo
  •  (Eng.) Faulkner (AD 1897 - AD 1962): The Sound and the Fury, Absalom, Absalom, A Fable, The Reivers, As I Lay Dying
  •  (Ger.) Brecht (AD 1898 - AD 1956): Die Dreigroschenoper, Leben des Galilei
  •  (Eng.) Lewis (AD 1898 - AD 1963): Allegory of Love, Problem of Pain, Preface to Paradise Lost, Abolition of Man, Miracles, Mere Christianity, Surprised by Joy, Four Loves, Experiment in Criticism, Grief Observed, Discarded Image, God in the Dock, Weight of Glory, Pilgrim's Regress, Space Trilogy, Screwtape, Great Divorce, Narnia, Till We Have Faces, Boxen
  •  (Ger.) Remarque (AD 1898 - AD 1970): Im Westen nichts Neues
  •  (Eng.) d'Aulaire (AD 1898 - AD 1986): Myths
  •  (Eng.) O'Dell (AD 1898 - AD 1989): Island of the Blue Dolphins
  •  (Eng.) Barfield (AD 1898 - AD 1997): Saving the Appearances
  •  (Eng.) Hemingway (AD 1899 - AD 1961): The Old Man and the Sea, The Sun Also Rises, For Whom the Bell Tolls, A Farewell to Arms
  •  (Eng.) Forester (AD 1899 - AD 1966): Hornblower series
  •  (Eng.) Nabokov (AD 1899 - AD 1977): Lolita, Pale Fire, Speak, Memory, Pnin
  •  (Eng.) White (AD 1899 - AD 1985): Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little
  •  (Sp.) Borges (AD 1899 - AD 1986): Ficciones, The Aleph, Labyrinths
  •  (Eng.) Hayek (AD 1899 - AD 1992): The Road to Serfdom
  •  (Fr.) Saint-Exupery (AD 1900 - AD 1944): The Little Prince
  •  (Eng.) Mitchell (AD 1900 - AD 1949): Gone with the Wind
  •  (Eng.) Caldwell (AD 1900 - AD 1985): Captains and the Kings, Answer as a Man, A Pillar of Iron, On Growing Up Tough
  •  (Eng.) Chambers (AD 1901 - AD 1961): Witness
  •  (Eng.) Mead (AD 1901 - AD 1978): Coming of Age in Samoa
  •  (Eng.) Voegelin (AD 1901 - AD 1985): The New Science of Politics
  •  (Eng.) Steinbeck (AD 1902 - AD 1968): Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, East of Eden
  •  (Eng.) Bailey (AD 1902 - AD 1983): The American Pageant
  •  (Eng.) Stead (AD 1902 - AD 1983): The Man Who Loved Children
  •  (Eng.) Gibbons (AD 1902 - AD 1989): Cold Comfort Farm
  •  (Eng.) Popper (AD 1902 - AD 1994): The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Conjectures and Refutations, Of Clocks and Clouds
  •  (Eng.) Latham (AD 1902 - AD 1995): Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
  •  (Eng.) Henry (AD 1902 - AD 1997): Misty of Chincoteague
  •  (Fr.) Nemirovsky (AD 1903 - AD 1942): Suite Francaise, David Golder, Le Bal, Les Mouches d'automne, L'Affaire Courilof
  •  (Eng.) Orwell (AD 1903 - AD 1950): 1984, Animal Farm, Essays, Burmese Days, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Coming Up for Air
  •  (Eng.) O'Conner (AD 1903 - AD 1966): Various Works
  •  (Eng.) Waugh (AD 1903 - AD 1966): Brideshead Revisited, Decline and Fall, Sword of Honor trilogy, Short Stories, A Handful of Dust, Black Mischief, Scoop, The Loved One, The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, Waugh Abroad, The Collected Travel Writing, Vile Bodies, Put Out More Flags
  •  (Eng.) Keith (AD 1903 - AD 1998): Rifles for Watie
  •  (Eng.) Greene (AD 1904 - AD 1991): Brighton Rock, The Power and the Glory, The Heart of the Matter, The End of the Affair, The Confidential Agent, The Third Man, The Quiet American, Our Man in Havana, The Human Factor
  •  (Fr.) Sartre (AD 1905 - AD 1980): La nausée, Huis clos, L'étre et le néant, L'âge de raison, L'existentialisme est un humanisme
  •  (Eng.) Rand (AD 1905 - AD 1982): The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged
  •  (Eng.) Warren (AD 1905 - AD 1989): All the King's Men
  •  (Eng.) White (AD 1906 - AD 1964): The Once and Future King
  •  (Eng.) Llewellyn (AD 1906 - AD 1983): How Green Was My Valley
  •  (Eng.) Beckett (AD 1906 - AD 1989): Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable
  •  (Eng.) Narayan (AD 1906 - AD 2001): Swami and Friends, The Bachelor of Arts, The Dark Room, The English Teacher, Mr. Sampath, The Printer of Malgudi, The Financial Expert, Waiting for the Mahatma
  •  (Eng.) Carson (AD 1907 - AD 1964): Silent Spring
  •  (Eng.) Auden (AD 1907 - AD 1973): "Musee des Beaux Arts"
  •  (Eng.) Michener (AD 1907 - AD 1997): Tales of the South Pacific, Texas
  •  (Eng.) Hunt (AD 1907 - AD 2001): Across Five Aprils
  •  (Eng.) Gipson (AD 1908 - AD 1973): Old Yeller
  •  (Fr.) Beauvior (AD 1908 - AD 1986): Le deuxième sexe
  •  (Eng.) Speare (AD 1908 - AD 1994): The Witch of Blackbird Pond
  •  (Eng.) Quine (AD 1908 - AD 2000): Two Dogmas of Empiricism, Word and Object
  •  (Eng.) Galbraith (AD 1908 - AD 2006): American Capitalism, The Affluent Society, The New Industrial State
  •  (Eng.) Weaver (AD 1910 - AD 1963): Ideas Have Consequences
  •  (Eng.) O'Nolan (AD 1911 - AD 1966): Complete Novels
  •  (Eng.) Williams (AD 1911 - AD 1983): A Streetcar Named Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Glass Menagerie
  •  (Eng.) Golding (AD 1911 - AD 1993): Lord of the Flies, To the Ends of the Earth
  •  (Egyp.) Mahfouz (AD 1911 - AD 2006): The Cairo Trilogy
  •  (Eng.) Tuchman (AD 1912 - AD 1989): The Guns of August, Stillwell and the American Experience in China, Bible and Sword, The First Salute
  •  (Fr.) Ellul (AD 1912 - AD 1994): La Parole humiliée, Anarchie et Christianisme, La technique ou l'enjeu du siècle
  •  (Eng.) Friedman (AD 1912 - AD 2006): Capitalism and Freedom
  •  (Fr.) Camus (AD 1913 - AD 1960): L'Étranger, Le Mythe de Sisyphe, La Peste, La Chute, L'exil et le royaume, Selected Essays
  •  (Eng.) Rawls (AD 1913 - AD 1984): Where the Red Fern Grows
  •  (Eng.) Dylan Thomas (AD 1914 - AD 1953): "Fern Hill", "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night", "A Child's Christmas in Wales"
  •  (Eng.) O'Brian (AD 1914 - AD 2000): Aubrey-Maturin series
  •  (Eng.) Boorstin (AD 1914 - AD 2004): The Discoverers, The Creators, The Seekers
  •  (Eng.) Farley (AD 1915 - AD 1989): The Black Stallion
  •  (Eng.) Saul Bellow (AD 1915 - AD 2005): The Adventures of Augie March, Herzog, Mr. Sammler's Planet, Seize the Day, Humboldt's Gift, Ravelstein
  •  (Eng.) Miller (AD 1915 - AD 2005): Death of a Salesman, Crucible
  •  (Eng.) Wouk (AD 1915 - ): The Caine Mutiny, War and Remembrance
  •  (Eng.) Dahl (AD 1916 - AD 1990): Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Collected Stories
  •  (Eng.) Percy (AD 1916 - AD 1990): Love in the Ruins, The Thanatos Syndrome, The Moviegoer
  •  (It.) Bassani (AD 1916 - AD 2000): Il giardino dei Finzi-Contini
  •  (Eng.) Fitzgerald (AD 1916 - AD 2000): The Bookshop, The Gate of Angels, The Blue Flower, Offshore, Human Voices, The Beginning of Spring
  •  (Eng.) Foote (AD 1916 - AD 2005): The Civil War
  •  (Eng.) Cleary (AD 1916 - ): Dear Mr. Henshaw, Ramona Quimby, Age 8
  •  (Eng.) Burgess (AD 1917 - AD 1993): A Clockwork Orange
  •  (Sp.) Gironella (AD 1917 - AD 2003): The Cypresses Believe in God
  •  (Eng.) Green (AD 1918 - 1987): Robin Hood, Myths of the Norsemen, The Saga of Asgard
  •  (Eng.) Kirk (AD 1918 - AD 1994): The Conservative Mind
  •  (Eng.) Spark (AD 1918 - AD 2006): The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The Girls of Slender Means, The Driver's Seat, The Only Problem
  •  (Eng.) L'Engle (AD 1918 - AD 2007): A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Many Waters, An Acceptable Time
  •  Solzhenitsyn (AD 1918 - AD 2008): (Rus. then Fr.) The Gulag Archipelago, (Rus.) One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, (Rus.) The First Circle, (Rus.) Cancer Ward
  •  (It.) Levi (AD 1919 - AD 1987): Se questo è un uomo, Il sistema periodico, La tregua
  •  (Eng.) Salinger (AD 1919 - AD 2010): Catcher in the Rye
  •  (Eng.) Lessing (AD 1919 - ): Stories, The Grass is Singing, The Golden Notebook, Canopus in Argos
  •  (Eng.) Scott (AD 1920 - AD 1978): Raj Quartet
  •  (Eng.) Herbert (AD 1920 - AD 1986): Dune
  •  (Eng.) Asimov (AD 1920 - AD 1992): Foundation, Robot
  •  (Eng.) Adams (AD 1920 - ): Watership Down
  •  (Eng.) Bradbury (AD 1920 - ): Fahrenheit 451, The Stories
  •  (It.) Sciascia (AD 1921 - AD 1989): Il mare color del vino (hard to find), Il giorno della civetta
  •  (Eng.) Highsmith (AD 1921 - AD 1995): The Talented Mr. Ripley, Ripley Under Ground, Ripley's Game, The Boy Who Followed Ripley, Ripley Under Water
  •  (Eng.) Friedan (AD 1921 - AD 2006): The Feminine Mystique
  •  (Dut.) Rookmaaker (AD 1922 - AD 1977): Modern Art and The Death of a Culture
  •  (Eng.) Kuhn (AD 1922 - AD 1996): The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
  •  (Eng.) Vonnegut (AD 1922 - AD 2007): Slaughterhouse-Five
  •  (It.) Calvino (AD 1923 - AD 1985): I nostri antenati, Cosmicomics stories, Le città invisibili, Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore
  •  (Eng.) Heller (AD 1923 - AD 1999): Catch-22
  •  (Eng.) Fox (AD 1923 - ): The One-Eyed Cat
  •  (Eng.) Feyerabend (AD 1924 - AD 1994): Against Method
  •  (Eng.) O'Conner (AD 1925 - AD 1964): Everything That Rises Must Converge, The Violent Bear It Away, Wise Blood
  •  (Eng.) Fraser (AD 1925 - AD 2008): Flashman, Candlemass Road
  •  (Fr.) Foucault (AD 1926 - AD 1984): Folie et déraison, Les Mots et les choses, L'Archéologie du Savoir
  •  (Eng.) Yates (AD 1926 - AD 1992): Revolutionary Road, The Easter Parade, Eleven Kinds of Loneliness
  •  (Eng.) Rothbard (AD 1926 - AD 1995): Man, Economy, and State
  •  (Eng.) Lee (AD 1926 - ): To Kill a Mockingbird
  •  (Eng.) Morris (AD 1926 - ): Pax Britannica
  •  (Eng.) Bork (AD 1927 - ): The Tempting of America, Slouching Towards Gomorrah
  •  (Ger.) Grass (AD 1927 - ): Die Blechtrommel
  •  (Sp.) Marquez (AD 1927 - ): One Hundred Years of Solitude, Love in the Time of Cholera, The General in His Labyrinth
  •  (Eng.) Albee (AD 1928 - ): Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
  •  (Eng.) Johnson (AD 1928 - ): Modern Times, A History of the American People
  •  (Dut.) Anne Frank (AD 1929 - AD 1945): The Diary of Anne Frank
  •  (Eng.) King, Jr. (AD 1929 - AD 1968): I Have a Dream, Letter from Birmingham Jail
  •  (Eng.) Potok (AD 1929 - AD 2002): The Chosen
  •  (Eng.) Juster (AD 1929 - ): The Phantom Tollbooth
  •  (Eng.) Allen Bloom (AD 1930 - AD 1992): The Closing of the American Mind
  •  (Fr.) Derrida (AD 1930 - AD 2004): De la grammatologie
  •  (Eng.) Achebe (AD 1930 - ): The African Trilogy
  •  (Eng.) Morrison (AD 1931 - ): The Song of Solomon, Beloved
  •  (Eng.) Munro (AD 1931 - ): Carried Away
  •  (Eng.) Plath (AD 1932 - AD 1963): The Bell Jar, Complete Poems
  •  (Eng.) Updike (AD 1932 - AD 2009): Rabbit Series (4 novels and 1 novella), Henry Bech series, The Witches of Eastwick
  •  (It.) Eco (AD 1932 - ): Il nome della rosa
  •  (Eng.) Ehrlich (AD 1932 - ): The Population Bomb
  •  (Eng.) Naipaul (AD 1932 - ): A House for Mr. Biswas, In a Free State
  •  (Eng.) Plantinga (AD 1932 - ): God and Other Minds, The Nature of Necessity, Warranted Christian Belief
  •  (Eng.) McCarthy (AD 1933 - ): The Road, The Border Trilogy
  •  (Eng.) McCullough (AD 1933 - ): Truman, John Adams, 1776, The Path Between the Seas
  •  (Eng.) Kesey (AD 1935 - AD 2001): One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  •  (Eng.) Ambrose (AD 1936 - AD 2002): Citizen Soldiers, Undaunted Courage, Band of Brothers
  •  (Eng.) McMurtry (AD 1936 - ): Lonesome Dove
  •  (Eng.) MacLachlan (AD 1938 - ): Sarah, Plain and Tall
  •  (Eng.) Atwood (AD 1939 - ): The Handmaid's Tale, The Blind Assassin
  •  (Eng.) Herr (AD 1940 - ): Dispatches
  •  (Eng.) Johnson (AD 1940 - ): Darwin on Trial
  •  (Eng.) Kripke (AD 1940 - ): Naming and Necessity
  •  (Eng.) Dawkins (AD 1941 - ): The God Delusion
  •  (Sp.) Allende (AD 1942 - ): The House of the Spirits
  •  (Eng.) Berlinski (AD 1942 - ): The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions
  •  (Eng.) Ondaatje (AD 1943 - ): The English Patient
  •  (Eng.) Ford, Richard (AD 1944 - ): The Bascombe Novels
  •  (Eng.) Wangerin (AD 1944 - ): The Book of the Dun Cow
  •  (Eng.) Dillard (AD 1945 - ): Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Holy the Firm, For the Time Being, An American Childhood, The Maytrees
  •  (Eng.) Hofstadter (AD 1945 - ): Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid
  •  (Port.) Coelho (AD 1947 - ): The Alchemist
  •  (Eng.) Rushdie (AD 1947 - ): Midnight's Children
  •  (Eng.) Hitchens (AD 1949 - ): God is Not Great
  •  (Eng.) Card (AD 1951 - ): Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead
  •  (Turk.) Pamuk (AD 1952 - ): My Name is Red, Snow
  •  (Eng.) Pearcey (AD 1952 - ): Total Truth
  •  (Eng.) Wilson (AD 1953 - ): Letter from a Christian Citizen, Collision
  •  (Eng.) Ishiguro (AD 1954 - ): The Remains of the Day
  •  (Eng.) Fielding (AD 1958 - ): Bridget Jones's Diary
  •  (Eng.) Dembski (AD 1960 - ): The Design Inference, Intelligent Design
  •  (Eng.) Martel (AD 1963 - ): Life of Pi
  •  (Eng.) Rowling (AD 1965 - ): Harry Potter
  •  (Eng.) Harris (AD 1967 - ): Letter to a Christian Nation

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