It is Jan. 6 as I write this; yesterday, two Democrats got elected as the Senators from Georgia. Today, the Electoral College votes will be opened. It sounds like there will be objections, both from the House and the Senate, but I have little doubt that Kamala Harris [sic] will be sworn in as President (I don't consider Biden to be of much weight, nor likely to live long). That the United States of America, the land of the free, could even consider a Communist like Harris for president is astounding. It really means that the United States of America no longer exists. Welcome to the communist Union of American Socialist Republics (UASR). The door is wide open for the persecution of Christians (and people of other faiths, but primarily Christians) in the UASR on a scale not seen since... last week in China.
But the moral and ethical decline of the United States began a very long time ago. It was Alexis de Tocqueville who wrote that America was great because America was good. Well, America isn't good any more:
- Abortion was the number one killer in 2020.
- Pornography is rampant, and somehow considered to be "free speech", despite its exploitation of women and children, but also of men.
- Sexual ethics from the Bible are largely ignored by most people. Having a child outside of wedlock is considered normal.
- Laziness is enshrined and even encouraged in the government welfare system, in direct opposition to what the Bible says in 2 Thess. 3:10b.
- Crimes such as rioting and looting go unpunished.
So these incredibly evil "leaders" that we've "elected" are precisely what the UASR deserves.
How did we get to such an evil pass? No doubt there are many reasons, but I would put the blame largely at the feet of the church (including myself), and I mean the true church that preaches the gospel of free salvation crafted by the only true and Triune God who has revealed himself in the 66 books of the Bible as well as in the incarnation of the second person of the Trinity, God the Son, in hypostatic union with a completely human nature in the person of Jesus Christ. That true church has failed to do many things:
- Preach the gospel.
- Evangelize the lost.
- Help the poor and the oppressed (about to become a much larger group of people).
- Disciple the nations.
But I would also put the blame somewhat on the shoulders of the Founding Fathers. Bless them, they did well, but they failed to recognize mechanisms of the power grab, such as Saul Alinsky outlines in his book Rules for Radicals, which I would put at the second-most-evil book ever written, just behind The Communist Manifesto. The Founders recognized that a disarmed people is a vulnerable people, and hence you get the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment, unfortunately, wasn't worded as strongly as it should have been, with that somewhat confusing tie to the militia. It should have been worded like this:
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
But there are two other major sources of power that the Founders didn't account for fully: education and money.
It was in the mid-1800s that the Unitarians took over Harvard from the Calvinists, the single most important event in the entire history of American education. That led to public "education", the most powerful weapon of brainwashing ever seen. Military oppression pales in comparison to it. So the Founders should have had strong language to prevent public "education" from ever arising. Governments always do things worse than private citizens (unless it's national defense, making laws, or enforcing laws, and possibly roads), so education should be privatized to be the best it can be.
Money, and I include goods and services of any kind along with that, has been shown in all ages to be a powerful corrupting force when used as a bribe. Let me be clear: the Bible establishes quite clearly the right to private property. It simply assumes that. Moreover, there is nothing inherently evil about being rich, or wealth in general. However, the Bible has a LOT to say about bribery. And what is lobbying these days, mostly, except bribery? If lobbying were simply reasoned debate back-and-forth, who could object to that? But when a lobbyist says to a senator, "Hey, I'll take your family out to Disney World.", the line has been crossed into bribery, which is utterly evil. So the Founders should have had strong language about how money, goods, and services get from public officials to private people, and vice versa. Because there is inverse bribery as well, and we've seen that on a large scale: the buying of votes. In the 2020 election there was a lot more voter fraud than that, contrary to the completely untrustworthy Far Left Formerly Mainstream Media (FLFMM). And there should be strong laws about voter fraud.
But really, if you have a generally righteous, self-governing people, with all the safeguards in place I have mentioned in order to protect the people from the encroachments of government, then public officials will have very little power, anyway. Those offices will be much less attractive to the power-hungry, and the issue of bribery will likely be a lot less.
So now what are we to do? I just read
Psalm 56 this morning for devotions, and I would commend it to you. We must trust in God. God's people have been in worse situations than this, and God has never let his people down or failed on a single promise. He will not leave us or forsake us. Strengthen yourself in God, as David did when he came back to Ziklag and found all his family gone.
Pray that you will not forsake your God when persecution comes your way, and it is coming. Remember that evil people can kill your body, but not your soul. And you will eventually get a resurrected body!
God is greater than all your enemies; so pray for them. If they do not repent of their evil actions, they will go to a place so horrible you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy: hell itself. Communists need the gospel, the same as do we all. Love your enemies, as Jesus said. Hate the evil ideas, absolutely. Tear down every idea or argument that sets itself up against God, as Paul says in 2 Cor. But don't hate the people who hold to bad ideas, even when they persecute you, hate you, say all kinds of bad things about you, etc.
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