Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Think Tank

Grove City College has started a think tank. I admit I don't always keep up with my alma mater all that well, which is why I am only just now noticing such a big step, though I have kept up with some of their building programs. In any case, this think tank sounds very exciting to me. They've published quite a few articles already, very thought-provoking ones. I'd definitely recommend having a look at it.

Their specialites would definitely include Austrian Economics, conservative politics, musings on baseball, and other random, scholarly works. Highly recommended!

In Christ.

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At 8/30/2007 12:15:00 PM , Blogger Eltinwe said...

Really? That's news to me. I know, I know. I'm so very school-spirit lacking. It may be an offshoot of being homeschooled. It may be an offshoot of mere disinterest. In any case, they mail me stuff, and they're luck if I open them, because most of it is begging for money, and I am more inclined to give money to the church of which I was a member during college than to the college I attended. For some reason, I suspect the money would be better used. I don't care about a new Gee... I care a good deal more about a student ministry where the students are actually part of the church. (Yeah, I know, drastic thought that.) Anyway, I guess I'll have to look into the think tank and see if there are any intelligent thoughts in it.


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