I tried to comment Susan but it didn't work -- just had to say, that was scary! :-D Glad it's back to normal... pink and non-pink should never be confused.
All the best to you both as you head into the last stages of preparation and may your day be a blessing to all who attend!
Why not pick out a template that you BOTH like. I did think it was cute what Susan did and I think it's even cuter the fact that you were able to laugh about it. :)
The title of my blog post is more exciting, m'dear, because it has a smiley face and yours doesn't. If you're going to have a parallel title, make it parallel. I'm sure Hannah would agree :-D.
And to answer anonymous (I've never understood not signing at least a pseudonym, but whatever), I'm sure we'll reconsider blog design after we merge blogs :-), though I'm not even going to try to seriously advocate anything as drastic as pink for my very-manly man :-). For now, this is Adrian's blog, and the gray he has now is light years better than the ghastly template he used to have. He used to have a totally black background with piercingly-white text that about made me blind. It was awful and resembled a dungeon. He's improved greatly :-).
Hi, again, Caroline. We're going to be staying at a mountain cabin in VA. Adrian and I are NOT the touristy types, especially for a honeymoon :-). Exact location withheld to protect the innocent ;-).
Heh. Actually, I think Hannah could be bribed by just about anything edible: a tuna sandwich, one of her lovely concoctions with tomatoes/squash/etc., one of her scrambled egg dishes, ice cream, ....yep, just about anything. ;-) But I do think dark chocolate will be best.
I'm a mathematical physicist working as a Data Scientist. I am married to the lovely Susan, and am the thankful father of Hans, Gretchen, Martin, and Heidi.
I tried to comment Susan but it didn't work -- just had to say, that was scary! :-D Glad it's back to normal... pink and non-pink should never be confused.
All the best to you both as you head into the last stages of preparation and may your day be a blessing to all who attend!
I thought the pink was purty :-(. *sigh* And thanks for the well-wishes, Annette!
Why not pick out a template that you BOTH like. I did think it was cute what Susan did and I think it's even cuter the fact that you were able to laugh about it. :)
The title of my blog post is more exciting, m'dear, because it has a smiley face and yours doesn't. If you're going to have a parallel title, make it parallel. I'm sure Hannah would agree :-D.
And to answer anonymous (I've never understood not signing at least a pseudonym, but whatever), I'm sure we'll reconsider blog design after we merge blogs :-), though I'm not even going to try to seriously advocate anything as drastic as pink for my very-manly man :-). For now, this is Adrian's blog, and the gray he has now is light years better than the ghastly template he used to have. He used to have a totally black background with piercingly-white text that about made me blind. It was awful and resembled a dungeon. He's improved greatly :-).
Sorry, just like to remain anonymous. So, where is the honeymoon?
Hi, again, Caroline. We're going to be staying at a mountain cabin in VA. Adrian and I are NOT the touristy types, especially for a honeymoon :-). Exact location withheld to protect the innocent ;-).
I hope someone will be updating your blogs as to how the wedding went for those of us who will not be there.
My plan is to convince my sister to update for us :-). I hear she can be bribed by chocolate. Dark chocolate.
Heh. Actually, I think Hannah could be bribed by just about anything edible: a tuna sandwich, one of her lovely concoctions with tomatoes/squash/etc., one of her scrambled egg dishes, ice cream, ....yep, just about anything. ;-) But I do think dark chocolate will be best.
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